Thursday, October 6, 2011

3 comeback attempt... this time in English.

Long time, no see.

So... finally, after reading the blogs of Kris, Jana, Leyla and my dear friends in Paris, I decided to continue with my blog, which I abandoned one year ago. This time in English. Why? There is a couple of reasons: first of all, I have too many friends from too many different nationalities, so it's the best to write about my life in a language, which everybody can understand. The second main reason is to improve my English, at least my writing. So, if somebody saw some grammar mistakes, I kindly ask you to inform me (you all know my e-mail address on hotmail, I hope...). Anyway, I have spent here in Coventry already a week and half, in England almost 2weeks. I have already a lot to tell, so between reading the books (I have already a lot to read), I'll try to catch the actuality by a little summary tomorrow or on Saturday.
Anyway... I think, I'm already getting used to the life in England... at least today, I already looked first on my right, when I was crossing the street. YES! After almost two weeks in England, I am starting to get to used to the their bizarre traffic system! But still, I'm not getting the reason for having two taps, moreover, with a big gap between them...

Anyway, the estonian-french (I'll explain it later) Kaarel says goodbye, because he wants to go to see the first meeting of a University Chess society.



  1. great post, keep going!
    With two taps the chance that a tap will break down and will need some part, or the whole of it replacing is double. this makes more money for the plumber and the tap manufacturer too.

  2. Why I can't "like" the comments in my blog like in Facebook!?
